10 клас
Посилання на урок
Тема: Природка катастрофи
Запиши та вивчи нові слова до словника
evaporated water - випарена вода
prolonged rainfall - тривалі опади
rapid melting- швидке танення
sudden release - раптове послаблення
displacement - переміщення
considered - вважається
closely related - тісно повязані
to be swept up - змитий
a severe winter storm condition - сильний зимовий шторм
a violent - жорстокий
rotating column of air - обертовий стовп повітря
occur - відбуватися
releases its power - послаблює силу
defined as - визначається як
Common causes - загальні причини
carelessness - необережність
Сause вживаємо для опису причини дії, тобто якоїсь катастрофи, поежії. А слово reason вживається для опису причини думок, висновків та слів на певну подію.
Виконай тести по словах Сause та reason до 6.05.2023
Тема: Природні катаклізми
Пригадай нові слова, які ми вичали на першому уроці з цієї теми. Поройди тестування.
Тема: Умовні речення
Опрацюй вправу на визначення 1 і 2 типу умовного речення
Thursday, the 20th of April
- 1. If you come with me, I (to do) the shopping with you.
- 2. Walter (to help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening.
- 3. If it (to rain), I will stay at home.
- 4. Our teacher will be happy if we (to learn) the poem by heart.
- 5. If they had enough money, they (to buy) a new car.
- 6. We (to pass) the exam if we studied harder.
- 7. If Pat repaired his bike, he (to go) on a bicycle tour with us.
- 8. She would get 100 pounds if she (to sell) this old shelf.
- 9. If I was/were you, I (to invite) Jack to the party.
- 10. If the weather (to be) fine, the children can walk to school.
Тема: Умовний спосіб
Wednesdy, te 19th of april
Опрацюйте відео пояснення умовних речень, запиши приклади речень в зошит
Wednesdy, te 19th of april
Утворіть умовний спосіб першого та другого типу.
05 -06.04.2023
Тема:Викориnсання компютерів
Опрацюй завдання 1,2
Тема:Засоби спілкування
Запиши нові слова о словника
Тема: Кухня
Запиши нові слова до словника
dairy - молочні продукти
cereal - злакові продукти, (тобо зернові) каша
junk food- напівфабрикати
a couliflower - цвітна капуста
a sweetcorn - солодка кукурудза
stale - не свіжий
a herring - оснеледиць
rare - рідкісний
still- відстояний
a bar - плитка
a jar - стіеляна банка
a loaf - батон
a can - жестяна банка
a carton - картонна коробка
to boil - варити
to bake - пекти
a kattle - чайник
an oven- піч
to melt - танути, топити
to stir - мішати
a bill - рахунок
a course - страва
a dish - страва, посуд
Пройдіть тести, в яких ви зустрінете нові слова
Тема: Умовний спосіб
Thursday, the 2nd of fabuary
Ex 6 p 96
Перетвори речення умовного типу 1 реальної дії на умовние речення 2 типу нереальної дії. користуйся зразком.
Thursday, the 2nd of fabuary
Ex 4 p 96
Перепиши речення, виправивши помилки
Тема: умовний спосіб
Опрацюй відео урок та виконай письмово вправу
1,2 ст 95
Wednesday, the 1st of March
Ex 1,2 page 95
Домашнє завдання: Вправа 5 ст 96
Тема: Українська національна кухня.
Запиши нові слова до словника:
brawn - холодець
trotter - ніжки
gravy - соус
mustard -гірчиця
horsradish - хрін
batter - тісто
stuff - наповнювати
spices - принощі
minced meat - фарш
pork fat - сало
rub - натирати
garlic - часник
experience - мати досвід, спробувати
flour - мука
Прочитай та переклади текст на ст 92 та попрактикуй нові слова при читання.
Thursday, the 23rd of Fabruary
Ex 3 p 94
Використай подані сова в реченнях
Тема: Українська національна кухня.
Опрацюй відео матеріал.
Wednesday, the 22nd of fabruary
Законспектуй 4 страви за відео
Wednesday, the 22nd of fabruary
На високий рівень потрібно обрати три-чотири страви, вивчити їх та скинути мені на вайбер, на достатній- дві страви, на середній- прочитати інформацію про три-чотири страви на вайбер.
Тема: Національна Британська кухня
На вайбер в групу я завантажила нові слова з вимовою. перепишіть в словник та вивчіть.
Сьогодні опрацьовуємо тект на стт 88-90. Опрацюй відео урок.
Тема: Повторення
Wednesday, the 15th of Fabruary
02/02/2023 Четвер
Тема: Умовне речення
Thusday, the 2nd of Fabruary
Ex 4 p 71
Виправ помилки в речення з умовним часом
01.02.2023. Середа
Тема: Умовне речення
Опрацюй відео урок та виконай вправу 1,2,3,4 ст 70 усно та вправу 5 ст 71 письмово
Wednesday, the 1st of Fabruary
E 5 p 71
Впорядкуй слова в реченні
Домашнеє завдання: вправа 6 ст 71
Wednesday, the 1st of Fabruary
E 6 p 71
Утвори умовне речення потрбною часовою формою
26.01.2023 Четвер
Тема: Вчимо та вивчаємо
Опрацюй відео матеріал та виконай вправу 2 ст 69
Thursday, the 26th of january
Thursday, the 26th of January
Придумай та запиши 10 речень зі словами learn, poem.
Тема: граматична сторінка
Переглянь відео. запамятай правила вживання часової форми Present Perfect та попрактикуй вимову закінчень.
Тема: Вибір професії
Опрацюй відео
урок за темою та виконай письмово вправу 4 ст 42
Thursday, the 3rd of November
02.11 2022
Тема: Пошук роботи та оголошення
Зайди за посиланням та випиши нові слова до словника, вивчи їх на наступний урок.
Тема: Present Simple and Present Continuous
Thursday, the 20th of October
Опрацюй вправи за презентацією (звертай увагу на часові форми) та виконай письмово домашню вправу 181
Тема: Мої друзі
Опрацюй відео
урок за сторінка ми підручника 27-28
the 19th of October
Ex 2 p 28
Дай письмові
відповідді на питання вправи 2 ст 28.
Домашнє завдання: Знайди в інтернеті 5 виразів про дружбу (приказки) та опиши одну приказку, тобто що це означає та як ти її розумієш.
Тема: Грамаматика
Перейди за посиланням, та пригалай правила вживання неозначених часів
Thursday, the 12th of October
Утвори речення в Present
Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple
We … (go)
roller-skating last Saturday.
Our granny …
(bake) meat-pies every weekend.
We … (write) an
essay tomorrow.
I really …
(enjoy) the opera yesterday.
Where your
husband … (work) five years ago?
British people …
(prefer) tea to coffee.
Tom, you …
(meet) me at the railway station next Sunday?
Where she
usually … (celebrate) her birthdays?
… you (have) a
big family?
Newton …
(invent) the telescope in 1668.
When … this accident (happen)?
I always …
(send) Christmas cards to my grandparents.
Nina and Nick …
(get married) in two weeks.
How many books
they … (bring) tomorrow?
Stanley … (have)
two sons and a daughter.
форму to
be в одну з форм Simple.
1. … your girlfriend
2. I … afraid of spiders.
There … a lot of
tourists in our café yesterday.
Peter … in
Africa next winter.
We … never late
for our Drawing classes.
6. I … 70 years old in
She … my
neighbor last year.
It … usually
very hot in Egypt.
9. I … born in September.
My parents … doctors.
Thursday, the 12th of October
Прочитай текст та визнач форми Present
Simple, Past Simple и
Future Simple.
Clara had a car
accident when she was ten years old. When she grew up she was afraid of cars.
Then she met Brad who was a professional racing driver. He wanted to help her
and drove her in his car every day. So in five years Clara became a racing
driver too. Now she drives 200 km per hour and takes part in sports
championships. She really enjoys driving and has a lot of future plans. Next
year she will open a driving school. And Clara and Brad will get married quite
Утворіть заперечне та запитальне
This coat belongs
to Jane.
I drive to
London once a month.
Your boss is
very impudent.
The car stopped
near the bank.
5. The soup was
The concert will
start at 7 p.m.
7. Her shoes are dirty.
I bought the curtains for my
I am a football fan.
Their wedding will be in
12. 10.2022
Тема: Урок ааудіювання
Працюємо за підручником ст 25-26.
На ст 26 випиши нові слова до словника з транскрипцією. Знайди
переклад. Вивчи!
Прослухай діалог вправи 2 та прочитай його самостійно.
Запиши число та класну роботу.
Прослухай аудіо запис (я скину на вайбер) та виконай
вправу 2, 3 ст 26.
Тема: used to
Опрацюй відео урок та виконай вправи 1, 2, 3 ст 23 - 24
Wednesday, the 5th of October
Ex 1 page 23
Wednesday, the 5th of October
Ex 4 page 23
Тема: Характер
на ст 20 Вправа 5 за підручником.
Переглянь віде пояснення до вправи та виконай письмово
речення від 8 до кінця вправи. Домашнє завдання вказане в кінці відео уроку.
Тема: English lesson
Запишіть нові слова до словника та вивчіть до наступного
A reason - причина
A responsibility - відповідальність
Complacated - ускладнений
Perfect - ідеальний
Responsible - відповідальний
To get stuck - запинатися
To keep doing smth –
продовжувати робити
To feel like doing smth –
не подобається це робити
To look up smth in the dictionary - шукути в словнику
To make smbs best –
намагатися зі всіх сил
Scholarship - степендія
Опрацюй текст підручника Ex
8 page 12-13/ Прочитай та переклади
розповідді дійтей, про їх досвід вивчення англійської.
Опрацюй вправу 5 та 7, запиши письмово в зошит.
Thursday, the 8th os September
Тема: English language
Wednesday, the 7th of September
Опрацюйте текст підручника на ст 8-9 та випишіть робочий зошит 6 причин, чому ми повинні вивчати англійську мову, вивчіть на память. Користуйтеся також списком причин вивчення мови
Here Are Our Top Ten Benefits of Learning Languages:
1. Connect!
One of the most rewarding aspects of the human experience is our ability to connect with others. Being able to communicate with someone in his or her language is an incredible gift. Bilinguals have the unique opportunity to communicate with a wider range of people in their personal and professional lives. Knowing the language makes you a local no matter where you are, opening up your world literally and figuratively. You will be shaped by communities. You will be humbled by the kindness of strangers. You will build lifelong friendships. And for these reasons alone, you will see the reward of learning languages for many years to come.
2. Advance Your Career
Language skills can be a significant competitive advantage that sets you apart from your monolingual peers. They are among the top eight skills required of all occupations—no matter your sector or skill level—and the demand for bilingual professionals is rising exponentially. In fact, between 2010 and 2015, the number of U.S. job postings specifically geared toward bilingual candidates more than doubled.1 Employers are seeking professionals who can communicate seamlessly with customers in new and expanding overseas markets, as well as serve and sell to a large foreign-born population here at home. With more than 60 million U.S. residents who speak a language other than English at home, you don’t need to get on a plane to put your language skills to work.2 As an added incentive, in many instances, language skills also lead to hiring bonuses and increased salaries. Whatever your career aspiration—with language skills added to the mix, you’re ahead of the crowd!
3. Feed Your Brain
The many cognitive benefits of learning languages are undeniable. People who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills. They switch between competing tasks and monitor changes in their environment more easily than monolinguals, as well as display signs of greater creativity and flexibility. If that weren’t enough, as we age, being bilingual or multilingual also helps to stave off mental aging and cognitive decline.
4. Deepen Your Connection to Other Cultures
Language is the most direct connection to other cultures. Being able to communicate in another language exposes us to and fosters an appreciation for the traditions, religions, arts, and history of the people associated with that language. Greater understanding, in turn, promotes greater tolerance, empathy, and acceptance of others—with studies showing that children who have studied another language are more open toward and express more positive attitudes toward the culture associated with that language.
5. See the World
Traveling as a speaker of the local language can revolutionize a trip abroad. While monolingual travelers are capable of visiting the same places, travelers who know more than one language are more easily able to navigate outside the tourist bubble and to connect and interact with the place and its people in a way that is often inaccessible to those without the language. Learning a second language also opens additional doors to opportunities for studying or working abroad.
6. Go to the Source
In a world of more than 6,000 spoken languages, we sometimes require translation, but speaking at least one additional language empowers us to access information that would otherwise be off-limits. For example, individuals proficient in other languages are able to navigate the Internet as genuine global citizens—consuming and assessing foreign media and entertainment.
7. Become a Polyglot
Not only does learning a second language improve communication skills and multiply vocabulary in your first language—yes, really!—but research shows that it makes picking up additional languages a much easier feat, especially among children.3 That’s because when you learn a new language, you develop new brain networks that are primed and ready when you embark on learning a third language.
8. Boost Your Confidence
Any language learner can attest to making his or her share of mistakes while discovering a new language—often in front of an audience. It’s a necessary part of the learning process! Learning a language means putting yourself out there and moving out of your comfort zone. The upside is the amazing sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when conversing with someone in their native language.
9. Strengthen Your Decision Making
Studies show that decisions made in your second language are more reason-driven than those made in your native language.4 Contrary to popular assumptions, when we deliberate in a second or third language, we actually distance ourselves from the emotional responses and biases deeply associated with our mother tongue. The result? Systematic and clear-headed decisions based on just the facts.
10. Gain Perspective
As we explore a new language and culture, we naturally draw comparisons to what is most familiar. Learning about another culture sheds light on aspects of our own culture—both positive and negative—we may not have previously considered. You may find a greater appreciation for what you have, or you may decide to shake things up!
23.05.2022 Понеділок
Тема: Готуємося до контролю говоріння
Один із цих текстів тобі попадеться в пятницю. твоє завдання : перегшлянути та перечитатии тексти аби в пятницю написати контрольну на хороший бал.
Text 1 Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
Once there
was a man who had three daughters and was a single parent to his children. One
morning he asked his eldest daughter, Sonya, to wash the breakfast dishes
before going to school. But she was already running late, so she burst into
tears. The father decided that she was just trying to get out of an unpleasant
chore, and he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately.
She silently obeyed him, but that day they were driving to school in silence.
The man dropped his daughters and moved to the office. He tried to work but
couldn’t concentrate — all he could see was his daughter’s scared, tear-stained
face as she climbed out of the car. So he decided to say sorry to his daughter.
He took permission from the school to take his daughter for lunch. When she
came out, he turned towards his daughter and said, «Sonya, I am sorry. It’s not
that I shouldn’t have asked you to help out at home, but I had no right to it
this morning without any previous warning. I upset you at a time when you most
needed my love and support. And I let you go without saying «I love you. Please
forgive me.» Sonya put her arms around her father’s neck and said, «Oh, Dad, of
course I forgive you. I love you too.»
True False
1 The man in
the story had no wife.
2 Sonya had a
brother and a sister.
3 Sonya was
the eldest child.
4 It was
Sonya’s duty to wash the dishes every morning.
5 Sonya
didn’t want to wash the dishes because she didn’t like it.
6 The father
was rude to his daughter.
7 Sonya
didn’t obey her father.
8 Sonya got
to school by bus that day.
9 The father
felt guilty and couldn’t say a word.
10 Sonya
easily forgave her father.
Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
There once
was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and
told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the
fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next
few weeks as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered
daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper
than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy
didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father
suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to
hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his
father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and
led him to the fence. He said, «You have done well, my son, but look at the
holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in
anger, they leave a scar just like this one.» You can put a knife in a man and
draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say «I’m sorry», the wound is
still there. Make sure you control your temper the next time you are tempted to
say something you will regret later, because spoken words once out never come
True False
1 The main
character in the story was kind and good-natured.
2 His father
gave him a bag of nails in order to build a fence.
3 First, the
boy drove many nails into the fence.
4 Driving
nails into the fence taught the boy to control his anger.
5 For the boy
it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
6 Finally the
day came when there were no nails left.
7 The boy was
told to pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.
8 The nails
left holes in the fence.
9 The father
wanted the boy to repair the fence.
10 Using the
example of the fence the father wanted to demonstrate that words can be as
painful as a knife.
Text 2. Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
Puppies For Sale
Once a small
boy was attracted with a sign above the door of the store that read «Puppies
For Sale». «How much are you going to sell the puppies for?» the boy asked the
store-owner. «Anywhere from $30 to $50.» «I have $2.37,» he said. «Can I please
look at them?» The store-owner smiled and whistled and out of the kennel came
Lady followed by five tiny balls of fur. One puppy was lagging considerably behind.
The store owner explained that it was ill and it would always limp. The little
boy became excited. «That is the puppy that I want to buy.» «If you really want
him, I’ll just give him to you.» The little boy got quite upset. He said, «I
don’t want you to give him to me. I’ll pay the full price. I’ll give you $2.37
now, and 50 cents a month until I have
him paid for.» The store-owner argued, «But this little dog is never going to
be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies.» To his surprise,
the little boy reached down and revealed a badly twisted, crippled left leg
supported by a big metal brace. He looked up at the store-owner and softly
replied, «Well, I don’t run so well myself, and the little puppy will need
someone who understands!»
True False
1 A small boy
wanted to buy a hamster.
2 The money
the boy had was not enough to buy a puppy.
3 Lady was
the mother of the puppies.
4 The puppies
were small and puffy.
5 One puppy
couldn’t hear well.
6 The little
boy wanted a puppy that limped.
7 The
store-owner presented the puppy to the boy.
8 The boy
insisted on paying the full price for the puppy.
9 The boy
needed a puppy to run and jump and play with him.
10 The boy
had a damaged leg so he believed he could become a good friend to the puppy.
1 Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
I’m sitting
at a cafe, a peaceful little place hidden back among the pine trees. It’s just
past noon, late July, and I’m listening to the desperate sounds of a
life-or-death struggle going on a few feet away. There’s a small fly burning
out the last of its short life’s energies in an attempt to fly through the
glass of the windowpane. The fly’s strategy
is try
harder. But it’s not working. The fly will die there on the windowsill. Across
the room, ten steps away, the door is open. Ten seconds of flying time and this
small creature could reach the outside world it seeks. With only a fraction of
the effort now being wasted, it could be free of this self-imposed trap. It
would be so easy. Why doesn’t the fly try another approach, something
different? How did it get so locked in on the idea that this particular effort
offers the most promise for success? This approach makes sense to the fly.
Regrettably, it’s an idea that will kill. Trying harder isn’t necessarily the
solution to achieving more. Sometimes, in fact, it’s a big part of the problem.
If you stake all your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you
may kill your chances for success.
True False
1 From the
text we can say what season it is.
2 The author
is at work.
3 The author
can hear a bird singing near the open door.
4 The insect
trying to fly through the glass of the windowpane is a bee.
5 The author
can see a way out for a fly.
6 The author
believes that the trying harder strategy doesn’t always work.
7 According
to the author, trying another approach could help the fly.
8 The author
says that a person can get a success if he does his best.
9 From the
story we know what happened to the fly.
10 The author
wants us to learn from this story that working harder may bring a breakthrough.
Text 3. Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
When I was a
kid, I remember one night in particular when Mum had made dinner after a long,
hard day at work. On that evening my Mum placed a plate of eggs, sausage and
extremely burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if
anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for the biscuit, smile at my Mum
and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that
night, but I do remember hearing my Mum apologize to my dad for burning the
biscuits. And I’ll never forget what he said, «Honey, I love burned biscuits.»
Later I went to kiss my Daddy good night and asked him if he really liked his
biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, «Your mum put in a long
hard day at work today and she is really tired. And besides a burnt biscuit
never hurt anyone! You know, life is full of imperfect things and imperfect
people. I’m not the best, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like
everyone. What I have learned over the years is that learning to accept each
other’s faults and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences is one of the
most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.»
True False
1 The author
describes the days of his childhood.
2 The story
happened at the weekend.
3 It was the
father who cooked dinner in their family.
4 For dinner
they liked to eat burnt biscuits.
5 The boy and
the father didn’t complain about the food.
6 The mother
was sorry the dinner was not perfect.
7 The father
didn’t want to upset mother by criticizing her cooking.
8 The boy had
a long talk with his father at dinner.
9 The boy’s
father thought that nobody had to be perfect.
10 From the
text we can say that the author had a happy family.
1 Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
The little
girl lived in a small simple house. Across the valleyther was a wonderful house
high on the hill — and this house had golden windows, so the little girl wished
to grow up and live in a house with golden windows instead of an ordinary house
like hers. And although she loved her parents and her family, she wished to
live in such a golden house. When she got to an age when she gained enough
skill and sensibility to go outside her garden fence, she asked her mother if
she could go for a bike ride outside the gate. The little girl knew exactly
where she was heading! Down the lane and across the valley, she rode her bike
until she got to the gate of the golden house across on the other hill. The
girl focused on the path that lead to the house and then on the house itself…
and was so disappointed as she realized all the windows were plain and rather
dirty, reflecting nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that stood
empty. So sad she didn’t go any further. As she glanced up she saw a sight to
amaze her: there across the way on her side of the valley was a little house
and its windows glistened golden as the sun shone on her little home. She
realized that she had been living in her golden house and all the love and care
she found there was what made her home the «golden house». Everything she
dreamed was right there in front of her nose!True False
1 The house
the little girl lived in seemed small and ordinary.
2 The house
the girl liked was situated next to her house.
3 The house
of the girl’s dream had a golden roof.
4 The girl
had a loving family.
5 The girl
was allowed to go outside the garden fence when she left school.
6 The girl
rode her bike across the valley to meet her friend.
7 When the
girl saw the house, she was disappointed.
8 Nobody
lived in that house.
9 The girl
came inside the house.
10 The girl
was surprised by how her own house looked.
Text 4. Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
There was a
millionaire who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted so many
physicians and was getting his treatment done.But the ache was even more severe
than before. At last a monk who was supposed to be an expert in treating such
patients was called for by the millionaire. The monk understood his problem and
said that for some time he should concentrate only on green colours and to let
his eyes fall on any other colours.The millionaire got together a group of
painters and purchased barrels of green colour and directed that every object
his eye was likely to fall on be painted in green colour just as the monk had
directed. When the monk came to visit him after a few days, the millionaire’s
servans ran with buckets of green paint and poured on him since he was in red
dress lest their master see any other colour and his eye ache come back.
Hearing this, the monk laughed and said, «If only you had purchased a pair of
green spectacles, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all
other articles and also could have saved a large share of his fortune. You
cannot paint the world green.» Let us change our vision and the world will
appear accordingly. It is foolish to shape the world, let us shape ourselves
True False
1 The
millionaire in this story was blind.
2 He didn’t
do what doctors told him to.
3 At last he
asked the monk as a medical expert.
4 The monk’s
advice was to look at green objects.
5 The
millionaire invited painters to paint the house in different colours.
6 The monk
came to the millionaire wearing green.
7 The monk
poured green paint on the servant.
8 The monk
said he didn’t actually mean to paint everything green.
9 The
millionaire bought a pair of green spectacles in order to see the world green.
10 According
to the moral of the story, the world starts changing after our attitude to a
situation is changed.
1 Read the text and mark (+) the following statements «True» or «False».
Once upon a
time there lived a young man and his wife. They lived poorly but happily as
they loved and respected each other greatly. One day, the wife, who was
beautiful and had very long hair, asked him to buy her a comb for her hair to
grow well and to be well-groomed. The man felt very sorry but he had to say no.
He explained that he did not even have enough money to fix the strap of his
watch he had just broken. The wife did not insist on her request. The man went
to work and passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and
went to buy a comb for his wife. He came home in the evening with the comb in
his hand ready to give it to his wife. He was surprised when he saw his wife
with a very short haircut. She had sold her hair and was holding a new watch
They looked
at each other and tears flowed from their eyes, not for the nobility of their
actions, but for the sincerity of their love.
True False
1 The man and
his wife were old and unhappy.
2 They didn’t
have much money.
3 The wife
had a short haircut.
4 The wife
wanted her hair to grow longer and look neat.
5 The man
couldn’t afford to buy a comb.
6 The man had
broken his watch.
7 The man
went to a watch shop to buy a new watchstrap.
8 The man
earned some money and bought a comb for his wife.
9 The wife
sold her hair in order to make a present for her husband.
10 They cried
as they were sorry about their poverty.
20.05.2022 Пятниця
Тема:Контроль аудіювання
Friday, the 20th of May
16.05.2022 Пронеділок
Тема: Контроль письма
Користуючись фразами та виразами опиши картину. Напиши твір-опис.
In the middle/center – в середині, центрі.
On the right/in the right part – праворуч/в правій частині.
On the left/in the left part – зліва/ліворуч.
From right to left – справа наліво.
From left to right – зліва направо.
In the foreground – на передньому плані.
In the background – на задньому плані.
From the background to the foreground – від заднього до переднього плану.
From the foreground to the background – від переднього плану до заднього.
Top left/right – ліворуч/праворуч угорі.
Bottom left/right – ліворуч/праворуч внизу.
From the middle to the sides – від центру до країв.
From the sides to the middle – від країв до центру.
In the upper/lower part – у верхній/нижній частині.
Ще кілька слів і виразів, перед тим, як ми приступимо до прикладів:
From front – спереду.
From behind – через.
From above – зверху.
From below – знизу.
Behind – ззаду.
In front of – перед.
Next to – поруч.
The second from right/left – другий праворуч/ліворуч.
Зверніть увагу:
Російською ми говоримо «на картині», а англійською in the picture, тобто дослівно «в картині». Те ж саме відноситься до плану картини.
Коли вам потрібно сказати помітно, видно, складаючи опис картинки на англійській мові, скористайтесь виразом one can see.
Коли ви хочете сказати, що зображено на картині, можуть стати в нагоді вирази to be малю, to be depicted, to be portrayed (про реальних об’єктах), to be painted.
What do you see? – Що ви бачите?
One can see a rider next to the horse in the middle of the picture. – У центрі картини поруч з конем можна побачити вершника.
One see a vase with fruits in the left part of the picture. – У лівій частині картини можна побачити вазу з фруктами.
A serious-looking girl with middle length red hair is portrayed in the middle of the painting. – У центрі картини зображена дівчина з серйозним виглядом, у неї руде волосся середньої довжини.
The photo shows my brother, my mom and dad, and myself from left to right. – На фото зображені зліва направо мій брат, мої мама і тато, і я.
Загальний опис
Торкаючись сюжет картини, можна коротко описати изображаемую сцену (description of the scene), згадати зображене місце (place) або подія (event). Також можна торкнутися деталі (details) – що або кого можна побачити на картині. Також ви можете приділити увагу додаткової інформації (background information) – деякі картини можуть бути присвячені певним датам або подіям, відомим людям, мати якусь цікаву історію.
Про людей
Також ви можете описати:
Вік людини.
The portrait shows the woman of thirty. – Портрет зображує жінку тридцяти років.
On the background we can see two men in their early forties. — На задньому плані ми можемо побачити двох чоловіків, яким трохи більше сорока років.
The boy in the foreground is wearing a bright shirt and dark jeans. – Хлопчик на передньому плані одягнений в яскраву футболку та темні джинси.
The girls next to the teacher are wearing their school uniform. – Дівчатка поруч з учителем одягнені в шкільну форму.
The man in the foreground is reading a book. – Чоловік на задньому плані читає книгу.
The girl in the left part of the photo is looking at the sky. — Дівчина в лівій частині фото дивиться на небо.
Ще ви можете сказати, які, на ваш погляд, почуття відчувають люди на фото або картині.
The toddler in the foreground of the photo seems very happy. – Дитина на передньому плані фото виглядає дуже щасливим.
The girl in the picture looks very frightened. – Дівчина на картині виглядає дуже переляканою.
Ви можете розповісти, яке враження (impression) виробляє дана картина, які ваші почуття (feelings) і емоції (emotions), коли ви дивитеся на картину.
To my mind the picture is very interesting. – Мені здається, що картина дуже цікава.
In my opinion the painting looks very mysterious. – На мою думку, картина виглядає дуже загадково.
I feel very happy looking at this photo. – Я відчуваю себе дуже щасливим, дивлячись на це фото.
Порада: ви можете описати людей, вживши лексику з уроку про опис зовнішності.
Picture description
Давайте наведемо приклад опису картини.
Tower Bridge – Тауерський міст
The picture shows in London Tower Bridge. One can see the bridge from the foreground to the background. There is a famous red double-decker bus in the middle of the picture. In the right and left parts we can see the crowd of people, they look very busy. The tower is shown in the background, it is behind the bus. Also we can see the gray clouds in the background. It seems like the day is not very sunny, everything looks a little bit gloomy.
13.05.2022 Пятниця
Тема: Past Perfect Continuous
Переглянь відео та вивчи нову часову форму
Виконай вправу 1(Past Perfect Continuous) та 2 (Past perfect)ст 60 друкований зошит
29.04.2022 Пятниця
Тема: Мистецтво
Сьогодні вивчаємо часову форму Past Perfect та вживаємо цю часову форму в реченнях,які стосуються ношої теми
Запиши та вивчи нові слова:
thirsty - спраглий
an exhibition - виставка
a sketch - малювати
25.04.2022 Понеділок
Тема: щаслилвого Великодня!
1. Переглянь відео та виконай завдання
Обери серед поданих та запиши до зошита символи Великодня Великобританії, про які було розказано у відео.
Easter eggs, a church, chocolate eggs, a hare, Easter Bunny, a carrot, basketball, a basket with chocolate eggs, color pencils, colouring eggs, Easter egg tree, a hat, a bonnet, cookies, hot cross buns.
2. Склади власну історію про Великдень та запиши її в зошит. (Обсяг історії - не менше 5 речень). Скористайся поданими нижче фразами:
- Easter Bunny;
- children in the garden;
- one spring morning;
- take an Easter basket;
- decorate the tree;
- bright colours;
- Happy Easter;
- find chocolate egg in the grass;
- it was a great holiday.
3. Переглянь відео та запиши в зошит. якаі традиції святкування Пасхи в Британії
Користуйся реченням для зразка і продовж: In Britain people decorate a tree with painted eggs, ......
22.04.2022 Пятниця
Тема6 Мистецтво
Опрацюй матерал презентації, випиши нові слова в словник, вивчи. Слова перевірю тестом в понеділок.
Домашнє завдання вказане в презентаціїї
18.04.2022 Понеділок
Тема: Повторення. Контрольна робота
Monday, the 18th of April
I) Which of
the natural disasters involve:
1. very hot
temperatures? _______________
2. rocks or
earth moving? ________________
3. strong
winds? _______________________
4. water
(in any form) or no water ________
II )
Match 1-7 with a-g to make sentences.
1. The
volcanic eruption has destroyed ________
2. A year
without rain has caused ________
3. Doctors
in the area ________
4. The
United Nations is sending food aid to ______
5. The
tsunami reached ________
6. Five
skiers were injured in ________
7. The TV
report showed the route of ________
a) the avalanche on Sunday afternoon.
tornado: it struck the city and then moved east.
the forest
and all the homes in the area around the mountain.
d) say that thousands of people are now ill with the
e) the coast and destroyed thousands of homes.
the victims
of the famine.
a serious
drought in Western Australia.
III )- Match the headlines (1-5) with
the natural disasters in the box.
a)earthquake / b)drought c) avalanche
d) famine /e)volcanic
eruption f)flood
No rain for
a long time in Symbati 1
30 seconds
of a terrible shake 2
Entire village under water 3
is going to
awake after 200 Cieva Vieja years 4
Lots of snow coming down Weisshorn 5
15.04.2022 Пятниця
Тема: Катастрофи
Домашнє завдання : написати невелику розповідь про якусь катастрофу, Розповісти в якій країні це сталося, в якому році та описати події.
до 9 балів - написати.
10-12 - вивчити та скинути відео мені по вайбер
11.04.2022 Понеділок
Тема: Катастрофи
На ст 158- 159 в підручнику перепиши нові слова в словник та вивчи. прочитай та переклади вправу 4 а) ст 158- 159
Виконай тести за ціює вправою та отримай оцінку за урок
Натисни тут аби пройти тести
Домашнє завдання - Ex 1 page 53 в друкованих зошитах
a) - розшифрувати слово
b) - написати, що ти знаэш про кожну з цих катастроф.
08.04.2022 пятниця
Тема: Катастрофи
Відкрийте презентацію та виконайте завдання. слова перепишіть
04.04.2022 Понеділок
Тема: Досвід катастроф
Monday, the4th of April
Ex. 1.p. 150 дати письмово відповідді на питання
Ex. 3 p. 151 прочитати та перекласти розповіді дітей
Ex 1 p. 50 WB - виконати завдання з друкованого зошита, вставити потрібне слово
Monday, the4th of April
Ex. 1,2 page 51 WB авиконати завдання з друкованого зошита за зразком
01.04.2022 Пятниця
тема: Катастрофи. Землетрус
Переглягь презентацію та виконай завдання
Friday,the 1st of April
Class work
Ex 3 p. 149 - прослухай аудіо запис та заповни пропуски в реченнях - письмово
Ex 1.2. p. 48-49 WB - виконай завдання з друкованого зошита
Friday,the 1st of April
Ex 3 p. 49 WB
28.03.2022 Понеділок
Тема: катастрофи. Причини
Monday,the 29h of March
Class work
Переглянь відео урок
21.03.2022 Пятрниця
Тема: earthquakes
Monday,the 14th of March
Class work
1. watch the video/ Перегляньте відео за темою уроку
2. Запишіть нові слова вс ловники, знайдіть до них транскрипцію за посиланням
18.03.2022 Пятниця
Тема: Природні катаклізми. Катастрофи.
Friday,the 18th of March
Class work
- Пройдіть тестування за посилінням
Результати сфотографувати і відправити мені в особисте повідомлення до 11.00
- Прочитайте запитання, дайте письмові відповідді на них в зошиті
Friday,the 18th of March
Home- work
Ex 2 p.147
14.03.2022 Понеділок
Тема: Природні катаклізми. Катастрофи.
Monday,the 14th of March
Class work
1. Перенгяньте відео по темі. При перегляді відео, ви почуєте та закріпите нові слова та фрази!
2. cт. 141 перепешіть нові слова в словник, знайдіть переклад. - письмово! Вивчити!
3. вправа2 ст.140-142прочитайте та перекладіть текст про природні катастрофи - усно!
Monday,the 14th of march
Home- work
1. Ex. 5 p.144 - письмово!
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